An IB chief who handovers an important mission concerning nationalsecurity (or so as he believes) to an ordinary stuntman who is in lovewith is daughter.A dumb heroine who does not even get to put 2 and 2 together eventhough her boyfriend on numerous occasions says things, like shooting,lights, director, stuntmen, bathas and still believes he is a policemanand not a stuntman and at every impromptu occasions wears dresses madeof ribbons and breaks into a song with him.A Villain who organizes a mass killing in a restaurant and blames it onAl-qaida just to silence two people.A IB officer who goes to Afghanistan on an undercover mission and setsup a barber shop there and still the IB manages to have him in thedepartment.A hero who has nothing to do with Bruce lee except a tattoo of him onhis hand and still prefers people calling him Bruce Lee.The above is a list of characters of the tollywood flick 'BRUCELEE- THEFIGHTER'.